OpenPlant PID Help


The Sync (Synchronize) option allows the user to integrate the OpenPlant PID system with PlantSight. This allows you to store drawing information on the Bentley PlantSight when working within a connected project.

Accessed from:
  • Tools Ribbon > PlantSight
When you synchronize changes between the drawing and the iModel there are two directions you can select from:
  • Drawing to PlantSight - Synchronizes the changes from the drawing to PlantSight.
  • PlantSight to Drawing - Synchronizes the changes from PlantSight to the drawing.

The synch direction is defined in the Synchronization Settings dialog. You can also opt to be prompted with the direction every time you synchronize your changes or you can create custom buttons and assign keyins to allow sync direction.

When synchronizing your changes, the PlantSight Differences dialog will display listing the changes made in the drawing which need to be synchronized with PlantSight, or, changes made to PlantSight which need to be synced with the drawing.
Note: The option to display the PlantSight Differences dialog can be turned off in the Synchronization Settings dialog if desired.
Use the PlantSight Differences dialog to review/accept the changes before committing them to PlantSight or drawing. Once the changes have been reviewed, click the Update button to commit. After that the following dialog appears to enter a comment about the changes done. It stores the previous commit messages; hence you can directly copy comment from Copy Message option. For example,
Once the synchronization has been completed, a confirmation message displays:

Click OK to complete the process.

Note: When Working Offline, you will not have the option to synchronize your changes as the Synchronize option will be disabled.

Releasing Component Tag

When synchronizing your changes to PlantSight, if Component Tag is reserved on PlantSight then you can release the component tag by the following keyin:

pid component releaseTags

Releasing Document

When synchronizing your changes to PlantSight, if Document is reserved on PlantSight then you can release the Document by the following keyin:

pid model releaseTags

Pushing Graphics to PlantSight

Previously the only way to push graphics to PlantSight was to update a property value. Now you can use the following keyin to push the graphics to PlantSight regardless of any data changes. For example, if you have moved any pipe then use the following keyin to update the graphics on PlantSight.

pid model execute syncgraphics

Once the graphics have been updated on PlantSight , a confirmation message appears:

Pushing Modified non PID data (Notes, Details) to PlantSight

After placing native MS elements (Text, Lines, Boxes,...) you can push the non PID data to PlantSight.

First Save the changes made and then use the Sync (Synchronize) option from the ribbon.
After Successful push, a confirmation message appears:

Keyins to Allow Sync Direction

Use the following Keyins to set the synchronization direction between OpenPlant PID and PlantSight :
  • Drawing to PlantSight: pid model execute itwinsync push
  • PlantSight to Drawing: pid model execute itwinsync pull

You can create pre-configured ribbon buttons and link the above keyins to the custom created buttons on ribbon. To Create Custom Button on Ribbon